Silvertip Design This is the first slide in a presentation to demonstrate how the simulation works and hopefully how we can learn from it. The left mouse button (LMB) moves forward to the next slide; RMB moves back one slide; the MMB opens a side menu showing all of the slides. With the presentation displayed in a separate window the slides should still be accessible from the main simulation's bullet links. The main option buttons: - 'Pause'/'Resume' the simulation - 'Mean' (toggles) the current average (yellow) bar and a reference average (green) bar. The road traffic properties are controlled by the sliders below: - 'Density' [vehicles/km/lane] - the calculations use decimal values to more accurately represent larger systems. - 'Truck Fraction' as a percentage [%] - the simulation can only add or remove single vehicles and the road is about 0.75 kilometers long. - 'Timewarp' speeds up the simulation, but not the vehicles, so that flow patterns can develop more quickly after changes are made. The vehicle properties are controlled by additional sliders. Max Accel (a) - maximum acceleration Conf. Decel (b) - comfortable deceleration (braking) Max Speed (v) - maximum speed Time Gap (T) - miniumum gap between vehicles in seconds [s] Min Gap (s) - miniumum distance between vehicles [m] Two sliders control the introduction and removal of BladeRunner vehicles. 'BR Cars' sets the average number of cars carried by a BladeRunner platform with a carBus body. BR Usage [%] defines the percentage of the cars on the road (density minus the fraction that are trucks) that will be transported. A carBus can carry up to twelve cityCars but with the load length split to also carry freight pods, or a freight unit, there is no lower limit to viability. Clicking in the middle of the BR Usage slider will introduce enough carBuses to remove half of the cars from the road and provide the power to charge the cityCars directly while on the move (plug-in en-route). As a first approximation the average power [kW] of each vehicle type multiplied by the number of vehicles of that type per kilometer [v/km] together gives a total power per kilometer for the highway. ( 37kW x 58 cars ) + ( 112kW x 2 trucks ) = 2,370 [kW/km] Enabling the mean (or average) option shows a 'yellow' moving bar. Disable and re-enable it also shows a green bar. This logs all of the calculated average values for all plots for the current vehicle type(s) and drag components (hill, drive-line, tyres ..) selected. The total number of vehicles 'on the road' per kilometer multiplied by the average speed of the highway is the current vph. The logged values are the current values stored when 'Mean' is re-enabled. Eg. swapping 50% of the heavy and expensive 'self-charging' hybrid cars to small and affordable pure electric city cars (BR Usage). The energy consumed per km reduces to just 1672kW a saving of nearly 30%. (37kW x 29 cars) + (112kW x 2 trucks) + (75kW x 5 carBuses) Actual throughput increases by 28% while traffic density drops by 40% The traffic flow simulation can be adjusted by using the slider panel (below). Changes are made progressively with each time step of the simulation. Vehicles appearing or disappearing in an instant is not normal behaviour and as manoeuvres require the agents (vehicles) to know where other vehicles are in relation to themselves - some panic. These occasional and short lived outbursts are listed in the console. If you would like to reuse the new settings they can be exported as a javascript object or JSON file. The parameters and their values form a single line of text. Word-wrap in a text editor helps visualise the settings but 'sublimetext', for example, has an html/css/JS prettify extension that reformats the object as an indented list making it easy to see and to edit. 'Reload', restarts the simulation with the page's default settings. Or 'Browse' for an earlier saved JSON file and then 'Import' those settings to overwrite the default values. This process of saving and reloading using alternative settings requires that cookies are enabled in the browser. This also goes for the changing of the number of lanes in the highway. Tabs (0..3) are the four vehicle types. Clicking on an extended tab returns to the simulation. The coloured variables in the mathematical expression are explained in the legend (below). The top level expression is 'State of charge'. Clicking on any variable digs into the expression and exposes other variables used in the calculations. By clicking on the variable to the left of the '=' sign takes you back. The value of the variable for each vehicle is plotted in the graph above. The points are coloured by vehicle type and move from top to bottom based on their position on the road. The ring road is about 0.75km long and starts on the right (at 3 O'clock). The hill climb and decent energy (power and force) is split between energy used (Eu) to provide tractive power and energy in from brake power (Ei). But the total brake power 'Pb' is then only stored or discarded based on a vehicle's ability to recover brake energy 'Rb' [%] or not. The inertia force 'Fa' does not include the rotational inertias of the wheels, motor/engine or drive chain due to their significance in motorway driving. They act like flywheels storing and releasing energy. In terms of vehicle dynamics, they tend to hold you back when you want to go faster and push you forward when you need to slow down. The standard deviation (sigma) and the 'mean' value (greek letter mu) are calculated for all of the vehicles of the selected type, and the distribution curve is shown. Clicking in the graph area allows the distribution curve to be moved to points of interest. A second click releases the action. The 'tick' and the 'cross' icons at the top of the plot allow the parameter values to be recalculated for all but the 'ego' vehicle of the selected type (tab); if the Sankey diagram is active behind the plot only the ego vehicle will be affected. The 'tick' has to be selected twice to activate edit as there is no undo. The 'cross' then writes any changes to the default settings. Switching tabs only avoids updating the settings. The speeds of the vehicles are plotted against road position with the darker coloured bars representing the inside (left lane). Other plots include the Frequency distribution of the speed, the Energy split with several unit options and the 'State of Charge'. The plots only show the vehicle type(s) and the drag properties selected. Auto-scaling is active only when there is a single vehicle type active and while the 'Mean' is disabled. When two or more vehicle types are active the Y-axis scale can be changed by toggling the vehicle type on and off for the scale you would like to use. All calculations are done in SI units - kgs, metres, seconds. But the unit of energy typically used for batteries and household bills is [kWh]. Conversions are also made for energy intensity and fuel consumption and vehicle power is expressed as energy/time or [kW]. Tab (4) opens the calculation sheets 0 to 6. The blue values can be edited directly or changed incrementally by the mouse wheel. Different browsers respond differently to these inputs. The values are identified by a letter (a) to (z). Hovering over the letter with the mouse will show the expression. Numbers after the letter indicate the calculation sheet the value is on (typically the current sheet). By pausing the simulation and reducing the 'Max Speed' to a very low value the drag components for individual vehicle types can be plotted separately. By then increasing the 'Max speed' when the simulation is resumed a 'V-axis' sweep plot will be produced. A total of the selected parameters is also plotted. The plot is cleared by toggling the V-axis button and only creates plots for the vehicle types selected. The Sankey diagram shows the energy flow for one of the vehicles. The drag force components [N] x the distance travelled [m] is the work done [Nm]. The rate of doing the work is power [W] and the time it takes [s]. Energy in [Nm] or [Ws] or Joules[J]. Dimensional analysis is great. A force [N] x a velocity [m/s] = Power [Nm/s] or Energy [Ws] expended per second [W]. Larger amounts of energy are in kW and hours [kWh] or 3.6[MJ]. Selecting 'Sankey' when the simulation is running allows you to pick a vehicle. The simulation pauses and the pause button changes to '-ego-' and will turn the pointer to a '+' when pressed. Picking a vehicle adds a black dot on its roof and restarts the simulation. The 'ego' vehicle also shows up in the other plots as a black dot or bar. A second 'pause /resume' button at the top of the page can cancel the sequence. Once an 'ego' vehicle is selected its current values are dispayed in the diagram on the left. The force and power reflect the drag components selected. But the total work done, the state of charge and the driveline losses do not change. The drag 'bars' scale with force (or power/speed in the case of aircon.) and the 'Regen' potential includes the downhill brake forces. The simulation is driven by the traffic model. The heat rejected on the right assumes that the vehicle has an engine and that its thermal efficiency is say 45% (0.45). The amount of mechanical energy required by the vehicle - which we know - divided by 0.45 is the fuel energy needed. The fuel energy minus the Work energy is the Thermal energy. As thermal energy is termed 'rejected' or 'wasted' we can change the sign. Similarly the processing and distribution of the fuel consumes energy and yields the total input ('well to wheel'). Electric vehicles reduce the local heat wasted and the distribution losses significantly but not totally and the need for cabin heating or air-conditioning consumes (or wastes) energy. With an 'ego' vehicle selected the current values can also be logged to produce a 'History' plot. The yellow 'mean' bar has been replaced with a white bar showing the current total value for the ego vehicle. The white band is the average for the other vehicles of the same type, plus and minus one standard deviation (68% of the vehicles). The units can be changed and the plot will be auto-scaled. The simulation time scrolls along the X-axis. Increasing the timewarp value compresses the time axis. With the 'History' plot active the log buffer can be exported to a spreadsheet in csv format using the 'Export' button. At the same time the ego vehicle parameters can be saved in JSON format. Both files have a default date_time name convention. The SOC history (above) shows the charge remaining in the battery (or fuel in the tank) and would typically drop over time until the driver decides to pull into a services and fill up. The BladeRunner vehicle selected shows the opposite with all (six + one) charge levels increasing over time when driving in the GPT lane. With twelve cityCars all charging the carBus would have to run off its own batteries initially. When in the GPT lane the rolling resistance for the vehicle swaps between (Rt) rubber tyres and (Rw) steel wheels. And if the charging power (Pin) is above 1kW the vehicle will also draw power from the panels between the tracks. The charging rate (Ri) defines how much of the available power the vehicle actually draws and in the case of a carBus, priority is given to charging the cars onboard. 1 2 3
  1. Slide One
  2. Buttons
  3. Vehicle properties
  4. BladeRunner
  5. First approximation
  6. Vehicles per hour
  7. Enable mean bars
  8. BladeRunner usage
  9. Slider panel
  10. Reuse settings
  11. Browse and Import
  12. Speeds plot
  13. Energy plot
  14. SI units
  15. Vehicle types
  16. Vehicle parameter plot
  17. Hill climb force 'Fhx'
  18. Inertia force 'Fa'
  19. Standard deviation
  20. 'tick' and 'cross'
  21. Calculation sheets 0..6
  22. Calculation sheet 4
  23. V-Axis
  24. Sweep plot
  25. Sankey diagram
  26. Ego vehicle
  27. Work done
  28. Thermal efficiency
  29. Rejected heat
  30. Energy history
  31. Current total value
  32. Export logged data
  33. SOC history
  34. Guided power transfer (GPT)